Mountain Lion
Experience a Thrilling Mountain Lion Hunt
Discover an unforgettable mountain lion hunting experience with our expert houndsman, Joe Bjork. With years of experience hunting in Northern Colorado, our seasoned guide is equipped with a pack of hounds ready for both snow and dry ground. He is fully equipped with all necessary gear, including GPS collars for his hounds, a truck with a dog box, and access to CWO’s properties, permits, trucks, ATVs, trailers, and TRAX machines. Joe and CWO have all the resources available to make your mountain lion hunt a success.
Exciting Mountain Lion Hunts in Colorado's Canyon Lakes Ranger District
The hunting area spans units 7, 8, 9, 19, 20, and 191, covering a vast landmass from the Wyoming border down to the Boulder County line. Mountain lions can be found at all elevations in the summer and early fall, but we focus on wintering grounds at low to mid-elevations from late November through April 30. Mountain lions prey heavily on deer, elk, moose, and bighorn sheep year-round, and on average, adult lions kill one mule deer per week
Challenging and Ethical Hunts for Mature Tom Mountain Lions
The mountain lion season runs in late fall, winter, and early spring when snow enhances the experience of finding and tracking your game. While hounds can follow mountain lions on dry ground, snow aids in tracking and judging the size of the lion by its tracks. We prefer to harvest mature tom mountain lions and recent snow makes it easier to judge the likely size of the lion before the hounds are released. Colorado regulations require the hunter to be present when the hounds are released on the track to participate in the chase, not just the kill. Even guided hunters must pass a mountain lion male/female identification quiz before buying a license.

Flexible Scheduling for an Adventurous Hunting Experience
Our ideal client is in good shape and has a flexible schedule to arrive on short notice (24-48 hours) when snow forecast conditions look ideal. We book a seven-day hunt, which includes two or three portions when we can take advantage of fresh snow instead of hunting seven days in a row. This approach brings your chances of success to nearly 100%. Roads and trails will be checked for the fresh tracks of a crossing lion before daylight and continuing into the early afternoon. If a big track is found, the hounds are released and the hunt is on! The lion may climb a tree soon after it is jumped by the hounds or it may run for miles. You never know how it might turn out!
Our location is easily accessible, only 1.5 hours away from the Denver International Airport, making it perfect for traveling hunters. Hunters usually stay at a hotel in the Fort Collins area and meet our guide very early each morning. Hunters are responsible for their hotel and dinner costs, while we provide sack lunches, snacks, and drinks for the day.

Book Your Adventure Soon
Ready to join CWO for a thrilling mountain lion hunt? Explore the great outdoors of Northern Colorado and experience an adventure like no other. We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to the world of mountain lion hunting.

Book Your Adventure Soon
Ready to join CWO for a thrilling mountain lion hunt? Explore the great outdoors of Northern Colorado and experience an adventure like no other. We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to the world of mountain lion hunting.